Hola ladies, sorry for not updating our website, we were more focus on Facebook so you can find us @ZumbaAmpang <-Click to find out more.
Heres few thing I would love to sum up:
1. We are now having themed 90mins Zumba once a month (mostly on Friday). Stay tuned for more information.
2. We've been featured on Astro V'Buzz for Zumba dance!
3. Our 3rd year anniversary is next month! Cant believe we have been with you guys for this far.
4. We are bringing in NEW instructor! Surprise!!!!!
5. New Yoga class had start this month on Thursday morning 10am (Ladies only). Very good response for those mom with toddler or baby would love to have a moment of peaceful.
6. We also have experienced Pokemon Go trainer in the house, bored of pidgey and zubat all around? We have lots of Pokemon around, come and catch 'em all!
Basically these are things we've been working on.
I'm so grateful for this Club, It gave us chances to meet more people, expand our circle and get to be healthy at same time.
Much love,
Coach Bubble
ring in if you wan to talk to me, 0162120792
Yoga in Ampang
Ladies Yoga Class
Ladies Zumba
Zumba Party
Fit Mom
I Love My Club
Zumba Ampang
**Random Update 16 August**
Bubble @ Fit Coach
Coach BubbleI am a personal wellness coach. My expertise is to help people to lose weight, gain weight and regain their health. There has been many of my student almost lose 3-5 kgs successfully within a month. I can provide professional services to you and weekly monitoring to ensure you achieve your dreams.